

Now it’s time to organize and restructure your financial future for the better. 有几个重要的步骤需要完成, but we promise to do the heavy lifting to make things as quick and easy as possible. 在整个“入职过程”中, 我们将寄给你各种文件, 应用程序, 并通过电子邮件发送表格,让您填pg电子游戏网站和/或签名. 如果有任何问题出现, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Client Experience Team – we are here to help!


在整个入职过程中,您可能会与我们客户体验团队的多位成员进行互动. 你可以随意熟悉他们各自的角色.


1 -客户接收表格

客户接收表格允许我们收集您的个人信息,以便开始起草您的decisionpoint协议和嘉信理财账户申请. 表格将通过DocuSign安全地发送给您. 如果你喜欢口头提供信息, 我们可以在办公室安排电话或面对面的会议.

2 .决策点协议

pg电子游戏网站完客户接收表格后, you will receive a copy of your DecisionPoint agreements for signature. The agreements include our Investment Advisory Agreement (which outlines our fiduciary status, pg电子平台范围, 和投资政策声明(其中定义了我们的投资理念和您的具体配置). 如果您对这两份文件的内容有任何疑问, 请与我们联系,我们将很乐意解决这些问题.

3 -帐户申请

Once your agreements are in place, you will begin receiving account 应用程序 via 电子邮件. In most cases, these 电子邮件s will come from “Your Independent Investment Advisor” (online.service@schwab.com). Please be aware that your account 应用程序 may arrive as one 电子邮件 packet, 或者在多个单独的邮件中, depending on your situation and the number/type of accounts being opened. 当这一步到达时,你会得到更具体的指导.

4 -资金 & 转移

一旦建立账户, 我们的一名团队成员将在资助新账户和/或从外部机构转移现有账户的过程中提供指导. 传输通常通过以下两种方法之一发起:


5 .总结 & 门户网站

在所有的转移和资金都完成之后, you will receive an 电子邮件 acknowledging that the onboarding process is complete. This 电子邮件 will also provide instructions on how to setup access to your DecisionPoint Performance 门户网站, 您可以在哪里查看您的新帐户.



This information will be utilized to create an ACH link between your accounts at Schwab and your bank. This will simplify the process of transferring dollars into and out of the Schwab account. 默认情况下, 我们在首次开立账户时建立这些联系,以便加快今后对资金流动的任何要求. 然而, 重要的是要注意,只有在DecisionPoint收到您的口头指示后,才能将资金转移到关联的银行账户.


这取决于. 如果您的配偶以其名义在嘉信理财开立账户,包括任何联名账户(如.e. Joint Taxable) – then their signatures will be required on the account 应用程序. 另外, 如果您希望您的配偶能够收集以您的名义注册的帐户的信息和/或提供指示, 然后他们将需要签署DecisionPoint协议——即使他们没有自己名下的账户被DecisionPoint管理.


DocuSign是一个安全的第三方软件,DecisionPoint和嘉信理财都利用它来收集你的数字签名. DocuSign提高了嘉信理财文件处理的速度和准确性,并因其比实体文书工作更方便而受到大多数客户的赞赏. 然而, 如果你反对提供你的电子签名, please reach out to the Client Experience team and we will find an alternative solution.


There are generally two reasons why you have received a DocuSign and your spouse hasn’t. 最常见的原因是, if the documents in question are required to be signed by both of you, the second spouse will not receive the document until the first spouse has finished signing it. 第二个常见的原因是只有配偶一方收到要签署的文件,因为正在开立的账户只以他们的名义(例如.e. 个人退休帐户或罗斯个人退休帐户).

如果你不相信这些情况适用, 你不会收到已经发给你的文件, 请pg电子平台的客户体验团队成员(如上).


DecisionPoint利用嘉信理财来保管我们客户的资产. 这对我们的客户来说是一项重要的安全功能,因为这意味着我们永远无法实际占有您的资金或投资. 您的账户直接在嘉信理财开立,您授权DecisionPoint代表您管理这些账户.


Charles Schwab breaks their forms and 应用程序 out into separate 电子邮件s for each account. If you received multiple 电子邮件s from Schwab during the onboarding process, 请不要忽视他们. Please follow the required steps for each individual 电子邮件 to ensure that critical steps do not get missed.

我们一直在与嘉信理财合作,以减少他们在整个过程中所需的电子邮件数量. 我们感谢您的耐心等待.


No. 任何为您的投资账户提供资金的支票(包括转账和展期)都将被开具给嘉信理财,这样他们就可以直接存入您的账户. 你唯一会给DecisionPointpg电子游戏网站支票的时候,是基于项目的咨询业务,比如独立的财务规划.


这取决于. Most account 转移 and rollovers that we facilitate do not have any tax implications whatsoever. 然而, there may be specific circumstances that could generate a taxable event. 您的DecisionPoint顾问和客户体验团队将在整个过程中随时通知您,并在任何可能引发纳税义务的行为之前通知您. Also, 一如既往地, we welcome any questions or concerns you have regarding potential taxation for your unique situation.


That mostly depends on how quickly you can complete the documents sent to you via DocuSign and Schwab. 一旦你完成了你的帐户申请, 嘉信理财通常在3个工作日内开立账户.


转账过程可能会有很大的不同,这取决于你转账的账户类型和当前的托管人是谁. 在某些情况下,账户可以在一天内转帐.e. accounts already held at Charles Schwab) and in other cases they can take over a month (i.e. 退让的年金及其他保险产品). 我们将尽我们所能加快这一进程, we are unfortunately constrained by the processes of the transferring party. 在入职过程的账户转移阶段, our Client Experience team will provide you with an estimated timeline for your 转移.

I received a check for the account I was transferring – what should I do?

尽快给客户体验团队的人打电话. While it is common for certain types of accounts to mail a check directly to you, 如果支票存入您的个人银行账户或没有及时存入适当的账户,可能会产生税务影响和罚款.


Tamarac是一个第三方软件,DecisionPoint利用它来报告客户账户的性能. 它通常被称为“决策点门户”。. 开立和资助账户时, 系统将向您提供登录说明,以设置门户访问. 这将使您能够轻松地跟踪您的帐户的表现. 门户还用于将文档安全地上传到客户端, 包括季度业绩报告和公司的年度ADV.

What is the difference between the DecisionPoint portal and the Schwab portal?

While both portals allow you visibility on your accounts that are being managed by DecisionPoint, 有一些关键的区别. The Schwab portal is more transaction-focused and can be utilized to see itemized buys, 销售, 转移, etc. Any tax (or other) documents generated by Charles Schwab will also be accessible via their portal. The DecisionPoint portal’s main distinction is that it provides more digestible performance data. It will show cumulative and individual returns for your accounts and their holdings, 以及有用的总结信息(如.e. total account contributions, account performance vs net investment, and asset allocation).

安妮塔·斯帕克曼摄 安妮塔Spackman Hover Photo





Anita@DPPlanners.com | 480.553.6249

Anita will likely be the first member of the client experience team that you’ll interact with. 她负责第一步 & 2 .入职流程. If you have questions or issues when filling out your Client Intake form, 银行信息, 或者签署决策点协议, 安妮塔很乐意帮忙.

除了在办公室里总是笑容灿烂, Anita’s daily responsibilities at the firm also include facilitating client requests for money movements, 完成客户端帐号维护, 安排客户会议, 确保每个人都有良好的体验,无论是打电话到办公室还是走进前门.

If you’d like to learn more about Anita and what she enjoys in her free time, you can read her bio here.

科特尼·巴姆里克照片 科特尼·巴姆里克·哈弗照片

Kortney Bamrick

客户服务专员-帐户 & 转移协调员

Kortney Bamrick

客户服务专员-帐户 & 转移协调员

Kortney@DPPlanners.com | 480.553.6249

Kortney is responsible for steps 3 through 5 of the onboarding process. 她将带头为您在嘉信理财开设投资账户,并协助您从目前居住的任何地方向上述账户转账/融资.

Kortney has expertise in numerous types of retirement plans and investment accounts, 以及许多金融机构要求你在转出账户时跳过的独特环节. 在可能的情况下,她将以您的名义单独发起账户转账,或者与您一起发起转账(当机构要求时)。.


If you’d like to learn more about Kortney and what she enjoys in her free time, you can read her bio here.

Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®Photo Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®Hover Photo

Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®

规划署署长 & 操作

Devin Miller, CFP®,AIF®


Devin@DPPlanners.com | 480.553.6249

Devin is responsible for overseeing the Client Experience team and the onboarding process. If your situation has unique complexities or requires special attention, Devin will be involved with your onboarding – either directly or indirectly.

Devin的日常职责包括为客户体验团队和投资组合管理人员设计和实施公司的内部操作程序. 作为一名CFP专业人士, 他还精通财务规划流程,并帮助公司的其他财务规划师制定战略.

If you’d like to learn more about Devin and what he enjoys in his free time, you can read his bio here.